Excalibur Mineral Corporation
1885 Seminole Trail Ste. 202 - Charlottesville, VA 22901 USA 
Tel: (434) 964-0875 - Fax: (434) 964-1549

Mineral Analysis Pricing and Order Form

Qty Analysis Description  Charge  Total

  Analysis of a mineral phase on single surface, including spectra but no image or detailed report

  Additional SEM images of an analyzed mineral phase; price per image

  Digital X-ray mapping (after analysis), minimum of 4 elements; per element specified

  Bulk searches, special requirement jobs, specimen prep & multiple analyses, cost is per hour

  Specimen return handling charges by surface mail, if requested: $10.50 per shipment in USA, $28.50 foreign; additional charges will apply for registered, foreign or special services. Material will otherwise be discarded!. $10.50  


5.3% Sales Tax 
(VA residents only)

Grand total 

Your Name: _______________________________
Address: _________________________________
City/State/Zip  ___________________________
Total check/money order enclosed: ________ 
[ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] American Express/Optima 
Account Number:______________________________ Expiration Date:________ CVV Code (3 digit on reverse):_________
Daytime Telephone Number:_(________)_________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________