Excalibur Mineral Corp.
1885 Seminole Trail - Suite 202
Charlottesville, VA 22901-1160 USA
We are closed all Sundays and Mondays - Please
call ahead if travelling long distances to be certain we are here, as
we travel often!
Our showroom will be closed on Tuesday December 3rd.
Parcel deliveries will be accepted. Ring bell.
Please check back for updates.
We are the publishers of the monthly periodical
Mineral News.We now offer DIGITAL as well
as hard copy subscriptions. Check out www.mineralnews.com for pricing.
Deliveries accepted weekdays,
Tel: (434) 964-0875 (10:00
AM - 4:00 PM EST Tuesday-Saturday)
Fax:(434) 964-1549 (anytime)