Equipment |
All the equipment you need! UV lamps, loupes, geiger counters, Estwing picks and hammers, cleaning guns, and Raytech lapidary equipment. |
Reference |
A selection of MUST HAVE books and CD-ROMS for reference and enjoyment!
Meteorites |
A selection of specimens and thin sections of this rare cosmic matter! |
2025 Lectures
June 17, 2025 7:00PM
Gem & Mineral Society of Lynchburg, VA. Location: 2307 Lakeside
Drive, Lynchburg Virginia, 24501 (715 Moose Lodge)
2025 SHOWS:
Septenber 19-21, 2025
Shenandoah Valley Gem & Mineral Society Annual Show @ the
Augusta Expo Center, Fishersville, VA
Mineral Identification |
Our SEM/EDS laboratory is accepting material
for analytical confirmation at this time, but due to excessive backlogs
and demands on the system, expect a delay of 20 to 30 days!
Gemstones |
We have a solid selection of genuine, well-cut, attractive gemstones we've obtained over the years as an adjunct to our main business of mineral specimens.
Mineral Collections |
Economical and comprehensive collections to jump
start a new collector or round out one's own specialized collection.
Ephemera |
We have a wonderful selection of models related to our mineral interests for the train enthusiasts and model builders out there, along with other mineral-related collectibles.
NOTE 1: Our analytical work is currently
backlogged approximately 30 days. New analytical jobs are being
accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, so expect a delay!
NOTE 2: We are the publishers
of the monthly periodical Mineral News.We
now offer DIGITAL as well as hard copy subscriptions. Check
out www.mineralnews.com for pricing.